With more than 5 years of experience with this new, minimally invasive, simple, and predictable dental technique, Dr. Geštakovski has implemented certain innovative modifications, which have been published in world-class journals. The modifications shorten the length of the procedure, reduce excess material usage, and make the final result more predictable.
In this course, we cover the technique in depth to show you how to copy your plan in 3D from the wax-up all the way to the final composite restoration with a transparent silicone index and flowable composite.
We also show you the bigger picture with the case selection, planning, intraoral procedure, finishing and polishing.
Additionally, we let you in on various modifications, how to save your time and material, how to be more precise, make polychromatic, more natural-looking restoration, etc.
Dr. David Geštakovski, DMD
Rating: ★★★★★
Dr. Geštakovski received his education at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, and perfected the craft by working at 3Dental (Dublin, Ireland) and his family practice Ordinacija Geštakovski (Zagreb, Croatia).
Having specialized in composite veneers, INJECTABLE TECHNIQUE, he has held numerous presentations, workshops, and webinars in front of international audiences. More than 3,000 dentists have attended Dr. Geštakovski’s courses.
He was a GC key opinion leader on the injectable technique, and clinical moderator at Heart Guided Dentistry and Dental Scenarios group.
Dr. Geštakovski is a member of the European Society of Esthetic Dentistry (ESCD) and Croatian Association of Esthetic Dentistry (HDEDM). Additional international education includes EVP: Bratislava (2015), Valencia (2016), Stockholm (2017) and Strasbourg (2018); and the Dublin internship (2018).
He has also authored publications in Quintessence International (QI) and International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (IJED).